Trip Optimizer™ SmartHPT

Digital Train Performance and Automation LOCOTROL Tower Control
Digital Train Performance and Automation LOCOTROL Tower Control

Trip Optimizer SmartHPT provides incremental fuel savings by optimizing train performance for a given HPT (Horse Power per Ton) target.  SmartHPT is certified with the EPA at 5% fuel and emissions savings. 

Auto Idle

Auto Idle  identifies areas where the train has more horsepower than required and automatically idles the trailing units in the lead consist, saving additional fuel.

Smart Planner

The Smart Planner option provides a railroad the ability to limit the HPT of a train by making a Horsepower-limited plan based on a customer-defined HPT limit for the train and route. 

Network Control

The Network Control option automatically isolates locomotives in the lead consist using eMU/Interconsist routing. Isolated units will then follow their railroad-specific rules for shutting down.

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